Friday, March 7, 2008

Computer class

10:00 am
Computer class

Right now i am sitting in my computer class, and the professor is lecturing about excel, real exiting stuff. We had an exam today on microsoft word, which was so easy, i didn't even have to think about it. After i finished the test, i went to the cafeteria to get an orange. After i got my orange, and a bottle of water, i sat down with a group of my classmates, and we got to know each other a little. We had some interesting conversations, from music, to drugs, to politics. We were also talking about how the professor looks almost identical to the father in "Growing Pains". I don't have work today, so when i get home, i'm either going to take a nap, or i'm going to workout, I am definately going to do both today, I'm just not sure in which order. At some point i also intend on calling up a friend that i haven't talked to in a while. She broke up with her boyfriend a while ago, a guy which i really don't like that much. So it would be nice to hang out with her without him for once.

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