Tuesday, March 25, 2008


7:34 pm
My room

I can't wait until it's summertime. I hate the winter, and not just because it's cold out. I hate the winter because it's so depressing. I also like the warmth of the summer though, don't get me wrong. The feeling of walking out of your house without worrying about what to put on to defend yourself aqainst the weather is priceless. My good friend who is in prison right now is getting out this summer. I haven't seen him in over a year, so i'm looming foward to that. I want to help him get his life back together, because he is most definately going to need the help. He was put away when he was 17, and he will be getting out this may, at 19 years old. It's weird, it doesn't seem like it's been almost 2 years since he was locked up. I remember the last day that me his brother and him were all together, like it was yesterday. We took a trip upstate with the guy that i work with at the deli. We had a really great weekend together, and then he was gone.

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