Friday, March 14, 2008

Today was a good day

10:30 pm
Computer room

Friday mornings at eight o'clock i have a computer class, so i went to class this morning. The only thing was, the professor didn't show up. The whole class waited 15-20 minutes for him, and he ever showed. I left with the last of the crowd, and got home at around a qaurter to nine. I went back to sleep and diddn't wake up untill around 12:30 in the afternoon. I felt really refreshed after that, i haven't slept that late in a long time. I worked out for about an hour and a half, and then made myself something to eat. After watching some tv for a while i started studying for a psychology test that i have tommorow. I probably studied for around three hours. When i study, i write down important information and say it outloud over and over and over again untill i can't write correctly anymore. It turns my brain into mush for a little bit but then i remember everything. It's funny, i was diagnosed with ADHD when i was a little kid.

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