Saturday, March 1, 2008

Fast day

9:13 pm
Computer Room

Today flew by, i feel like it was like a half of a day. I know that sounds weird, that's because it is. I went to psychology this morning. It was a really interesting class, we talked about dreams, where they come from, and different people's theories on the subject. We also discussed drgs, and the effects on the mind and body. Class seemed so short because it was so interesting...time flies when your having fun. After class i went to the deli, for some reason i was scheduled to work from 12-3 pm. There was really no reason for me to be there, but i could use the money, so i can't complain. We had a huge order come in, so i was kept pretty busy packing things out. The three hour shift flew by, just like my class. After i got out of work, i went down to my friends house, and we played some basketball for a while. We went inside, watched some television, and then i decided to head home. I got home ate some dinner, watched some more t.v., and here i am now.

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