Monday, March 31, 2008

running in place

9:47 pm
My room

Do you ever feel like you're not going anywhere? I know that i'm making headway in all of my major goals, but it seems like i see no results. I know that i'm working hard to support myself going to school, living, and paying off some other expenses to our wonderful judicial system... and i'm going to school to make something of myself. But i feel no closer to the final destination day after day. But then again, if i compare my situation to what it was a year ago, i realize how much progress i have made. I went from being in the complete gutter, to working hard in both a workplace and in college, and i am stayng out of trouble. I didn't really put things into perspective like that before. Maybe i am running somewhere, huh? Thats what i am starting to learn about life, it's a damn trip.

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