Saturday, March 15, 2008

hard to fly with the eagles when you're surrounded by turkeys

9:15 pm
Computer room

Did you ever have really good friends, that after a while you realize that you have completely grown apart from them. That's what has happened with the friends that i ahve now. I used to be like brothers with this one kid, and now i feel so bored when i'm chillin with him. We used to think almost exaztly alike, ad now i've realized that i have matured and he's the same. It's not like this happened over night, but today just really showed me how different we are now. It sucks losing good friends, but i feel like if i keep hanging out with these people, they are going to hold me back. I have to make new friends that want the same things out of life that i do. I'm going to college, so it's a good place to start looking. I have no problems making new friends, it's just hard to get rid of the old ones sometimes.

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