Wednesday, February 27, 2008


9:17 pm
My Room

I Have two very good friends who are brothers, one of which is in prison. He get's out in May, and 1 condition of his Parole is that his older brother, my other good friend can't live in the same house as him. They are kind of partners in crime. Therefore he has to move out in may. I think i'm going to see if he wants to be roomates. I need to get out of my mother's house, and move out on my own. I need my own space, and to tell you the truth, it get's sort of frustrating living with two women. We always disagree on stupid things, and get into stupid arguments. I also want to get a dog, and that's not going to happen living with my mom. I'm just a little worried about my friend being able to support the financial responsabilities he's going to have to. I have to really think about it before i present the idea to him. I know that he will want to do it, but i'm not sure i want to yet.

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