Sunday, February 3, 2008


Well it's Superbowl SUnday, and i just got off work. It was an intersesting day, considering i worked all day with a Patriot's jersey on. I didn't realize how much new yorkers hated the Patriots. At first i was just getting some dirty looks, and that wasn't to bad, but than things started getting a little hairy. When i asked one guy what i could get for him, he said "nothing with that shirt on!" At first i thought he was joking, and i laughed a little bit, but the expression on his face didn't change "I'm not joking, I don't want you to wait on me", i guess he was supersticious. As one man was leaving the store, i wished him a good day. He stopped in his tracks, turned to me, and ststed that "I should be shot for wearing that jersey", that was unesessary. There were little things here and there that were uncalled for, like people telling me i would be lucky to make it home alive. Oh well it's all in good fun, right?
I'm going over to a friends house in a little bit, to watch the game drink a few "beverages" and eat like a pig. Hopefully the Pats pull another one off, i have a good amount of money riding on this game, and i really don't want to lose it. It's gonna be a great game, and whoever wins it isn't gonna win it easily...GO PATRIOTS!!!

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