Thursday, February 28, 2008

Who's it gonna be?

10:58 pm
My Room

Today, the owner of the deli announced that when he came back to work after his full recovery, that he was going to lay someone off. This morning i was working with just the two older women. We were all talking about it, and they thought that he was just going to cut everyones hours, because he couldn't get rid of anyone, because the of they way the schedule works. I thought this was a pretty valid point. That is until my bosses so came in, and we talked about it. He told me that he could get rid of someone, because he would just work the hours himself, which also makes total sense, and makes me wonder why i hadn't thought of that before. I know that i'm not going to get layed off though (knock wood), i hate to sound cocky, but i am a pretty valuable asset there right now. Mainly because i am very reliable. It would make me pretty happy to see a certain individual go, someone who creates the most waves.

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